About Us

Juan Pons

Juan Pons is a wildlife and nature photographer with over 30 years experience and a passion for photographing our world’s most magnificent features. Born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Juan is an avid conservationist and environmental educator, and has traveled extensively leading photography workshops out in the field and in the classroom for more than 18 years. Juan’s adventure expeditions have taken participants to once-in-a-lifetime places like Antarctica, Botswana, Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, Patagonia, Yellowstone, and much more.

Juan’s decades of work have made him a recognized expert in Wildlife Photography, and Lightroom. Juan’s work has been featured in numerous publications including Sierra Magazine, Nature Conservancy, Audubon Magazine, American Photo, Audubon North Carolina, Wildlife in North Carolina, The Independent, and many others.

Juan hopes that his images, which he often donates to nature and wildlife non-profits, as well as sells to private individuals, will inspire others to appreciate and respect nature.

Juan has been the founder of numerous popular photography podcasts and most recently a new Youtube channelTo learn more about Juan, click here to listen to his most recent interview with Brenda Petrella of the Outdoor Photography School.

Jaclyn Merica

Jaclyn Merica is a photographer, videographer, writer, and much more. She has extensive experience across a variety of photography concentrations, including portraiture, nature photography, birth photography, concert photography, and fine art.

Jaclyn has dedicated her life to travel and exploration. She has lived and backpacked extensively across countries like New Zealand, Australia, Iceland, Mexico, and India, taught darkroom photography at a university level, founded creative arts magazines in the US and UK, and formed lasting friendships and professional connections across the world.

Currently, Jaclyn assists and co-leads workshops for Juan Pons Photography. You can expect to see her in places like Yellowstone, Costa Rica, Cuba, Alaska, Botswana, Patagonia, Madagascar, and more.

Jaclyn is currently located in Oregon, and is the West Coast liaison for the team.

Jaclyn and Juan look forward to expanding the Juan Pons Photography vision to include even more unforgettable workshop locations, unparalleled educational material on my Youtube channels, and unmatched access to seminars and conferences.

©1998-2024 Juan A. Pons
All rights reserved

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